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In total, Smiley Digital Embed has two mandatory and one optional configuration parameters:

type EmbedInitConfig = {
  token: string;
  embedTo: HTMLElement;
  language?: string | 'en-US';

When configuring Smiley Pop-up, you can provide the following init settings:

type PopupInitConfig = {
  token: string;
  hideOnInit?: boolean;
  language?: string | 'en-US';

You can read more about how to interact with Smiley Digital in the next section.

token (required)

type: string

Token is provided automatically when selecting the option to Get Script and Assets from Analytics Admin. This is a required field when configuring Embed or Pop-up with extra options.


type: string

See supported locales


type: boolean

Set Smiley Pop-up to be hidden by default on page load.